Movies I Forrest Gump

Aloha fans!

First  of all…SORRY! It’s being a long time since no writing at all. That means a lot of work? Well…maybe haha yeah, I was working in England as you all know, I moved again to Spain because I got a job (yay!) and I was on holliday, come on! That also means that I’ve got a lot of pictures to show you and a lot of things to tell you. But, step by step my friends.

I was thinking (yes!) the other day that I should continue writing in english, so I will do that! And also I will TRY to do it once a week, so you can’t miss me so much haha.

Today I want to talk about my passion, the thing I can’t life without, no, it’s not Jaggermeister. It’s cinema, movies, the 7th art, images and sound making something inside of you, in your stomach and in your heart. Yeah, bitch! movies!

I was lucky yesterday, well, normally I am a lucky person, but yesterday night the luck came to my living room, exactly it came to my television as a movie, and that movie was: Forrest Gump. Yeah fans, maybe it sounds like «oh come on can you be more typical, pleaseee???» FUCK YOU It’s my blog and I write about what I want.


I found the movie already started, but I didn’t care. I love that movie and it was a long time without watching it. Probably is the typical movie about self-improvement. I mean, the movie starts with our Forrest siting on a bench in Miami waiting for the bus. When you see that you can’t imagine that the movie is going to be sooo great, but not only the movie as a whole thing. If you break it you will find art in all the little pieces you broke. Actually, the film won Academy Awards for best picture, best director, best actor, best adapted screenplay, best visual effects and best film editing. Almost nothing, eh.


While I was watching it, I was remembering the first time I watched it on the tv. It was August and I was in Benasque (of course). I think I was 10 years old, more or less, and I found it really scary. I was a little stupid, because that night I had a nightmare and I thought that Benasque was on the Vietnam War at that moment. Super clever, I know, yes, that’s how I was. But now I am clever (yesss) and I realize that Forrest Gump is more than a Vietnam War movie. It talks about the war of course, but also about friendship, about personal growth, about loyalty, about self-confidence, about humor sense and, the most important thing, it talks about love. About the love between Forrest and Jenny, between Forrest and his mom, between Forrest and his life, definitely. And while the film is passing it talks about the love we have to Forrest. We love him. that’s it. And we love the film of course and the quotes appear on it.

«My momma always said, «Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get» 

It’s curious to see how all the word facts are happening at the same time. And it’s funny see that Forrest appears in everyone of them haha, and always in a funny contest. Like when he show his ass to Johnson, he buy stocks of a «fruit company» call Apple or when he is on an interview with John Lennon. This means a great edition job, it’s not easy putting Tom Hanks next to President Johnson, Kennedy or John Lennon.


«I am not a smart man… but I know what love means» I think this is one of my favorites quotes of the movie. The story between Forrest and Jenny is just cute and lovely. They met at the school bus and since then….they try to be together always.  Since she said «Run Forrest Run!» their friendship starts growing as a flower. Because they have to be, like Forrest said, «always together, like peas and carrots». He thinks about Jenny constantly, thats true love, man, thats great. Wherever he goes… he’s thinking about her, wondering what she’s doing and hoping she ‘s fine. That’s what the film is special. Although Forrest is not as clever as normal people, he has feelings, he knows what love means and that makes him a normal person.


I can spend hours talking about this movie and about how much I love the soundtrack, the performance and all the pieces which complete the movie, but, as Forrest said when they ask him about Vietnam:

«And that’s all I have to say about that»


«I don’t know if we each have a destiny, or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a breeze, but I think maybe it’s both. Maybe both is happening at the same time.»

«My mama always said you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on.»

«My mama always told me that miracles happen everyday. Some people don’t think so, but they do.»

«It’s funny how people say they miss you, but they don’t even make an effort to even see you». 


See you later, Aligator!

Hello fans, how is it going?

I know has been a while without any post. But don’t worry, I am here again! Last week my laboral and also personal life turned 180 degrees. I had been almost forced to find another job, and I’ve got it! Yaay! Burn in hell madafakas! And the bad news are that I had to say See you later Aligator to some great friends. That’s sad but not so much, you know? Because everybody knows that we will continue with this friendship. Friends don’t understand about frontiers, cities and countries!! It’s the good thing, it’s what gives us the responsability of taking care of them even when they are so fucking far away, where Jesuschrist lost his shoe. It’s sad but it’s challenging. I’ve to say that I’m a very social person, so I don’t have any problem with this making friends stuff. But it always surprise me when they have to go back to their countries, that’s sad. And I am stupid for not being prepared everytime. True friends are the only ones who can keep you smiling, and I’m sorry for you guys, because I have the best friends ever. I can find them everywhere: In all around Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, México, Germany, Poland, Greece, Serbia, United States, The Caribean and even in France!! Yeah, I’ve found one great french person! Amazing and unbeleable, life surprises you with this little things. Thank you, Lord Ozzy.



 Like the song says: Something is dying in the soul when a friend has gone (¡Algo se muere en el alma cuando un amigo se va!). But we can see goodbye to a very different kind of people, parents, brothers, cousins, school friends, friends from holidays… and I think that we already know what’s going to happen after we say goodbye to them. I mean, it’s in our hands say goodbye or say see you later, Aligator. I know I will see again my parents, for example, but maybe I wont see again an exboyfriend who just break up with me. It’s a different goodbye, and of course its a different feeling.

 We have a lot of movies examples of goodbyes. I always cry, yeah, so mature, but I don’t like to say goodbye, come on. If you like it, it’s because you don’t have soul or you are Satan. I want to show you my top 5 goodbyes of cinema. Hope you cry as an onion.


5. Love Actually. When you have to say goodbye to the person you love.


4. The Lion King. When you have to say goodbye to a person you wont see again.


3. Big Fish. When you have to say goodbye to people who spend their lifes with you

2. E.T. When you have to say goodbye to a really great (and weird and small) friend who lives so fucking far away.


1. Toy Story 3. When you have to say goodbye to your most antique friend. Yeah, I have to put this one the first place! Child soul, yeah!


 A friend is the sister or brother you never had. Is the one who cares about you from his inconditional heart. Is the one who loves you and is always willing to be there (over there). A friend is the one who is happy with your success and never sad when you fail, a friend will try to find the positive part to everything just to make you smile. Each one of my friends are different, but the great thing about them is that if I have a problem, if I am sad, if I am so fucking anoying, if I have a ridiculous behaviour or if I am angry, I know they will be over there to help me, talk to me or just make me smile. 


«When you try your best, but you don’t succeed. When you get what you want, but not what you need. When you feel so tired, but you can’t sleep. Stuck in reverse. And the tears come streaming down your face when you loose someone you can’t replace. When you love someone, but it goes to waste. Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones, and I will try to fix you.» – Coldplay

Good news!

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Thanks a lot! See you around!

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Bad Guys!

Aloha my develoved fans!

I’m here again! Yeah, guys, today I am in a great mood!! yeeaaahhh Everybody Dance Now!!! No, I’m not on crack, I swear it. Now, seriously, last week was like “oh, please, shoot me, put a gun in my ass so I can puke all the shit I have inside”, no, no, really, was like that. The sensation of puking my own shit would be similar to some feelings I have inside about some kind of people.

Since last week I didn’t realise that this type of people are still in the planet. This people, this garbage, this cancer of the society, this toxic characters, this amoral citizens are still on our world. Continent. Country. City. Neightborhood. Flat. Yeah, they are everywhere. And my indignant and current question is:


POR QUÉ?!?!?!?


POUR QUOI?!?!?!?

Because my friends, here in the village of our Lord Ozzy Osbourne has to exist every kind of species. I believe that He put them to make us smarter and when we recognize them say something like: AHAHÁ! I found you bad motherfucker! And from that moment, try to avoid this person forever. Yes, my friends, in this life I’ve met a lot of toxic people and I really don’t understand why they act like that. And I don’t even know why they exist! Sincerely, people who trate you like a slave, with no respect, people who don’t help you when you’ve a problem, people who threat you with the finger, people who talk shit about you instead of explaining that shit in front of you… you know, that kind of people eberybody have met at least one time. The other day I was thinking (yes, I was!) that I know who has the fault in all of this “motherfuckers bad guys situation”. It was in front of us all the time, and we were too blind to notice it! I realised that here, in this movie called life we are the main characters, we are the good ones. The heros, the princeses, the teenager girl who always get the hot rugby player, the lord with his loyal horse, the braves, the ones who always fight no matter it’s raining, snowing or sunny like August in Sahara, the one who wakes up every morning and fight with the alarm, the one who counts until ten or one hundred when a impolite person says that you are useless. Yeah, guys, that’s you, that’s us. So if we are the good ones on this movie…there should be badguys anoying us, and the total fault is of Walt Disney. Yes, my friends, thank to this company bad people can learn and improve their evil arts against us. I was reading about the mean characters on Disney movies and all of them are very different of each other. Did you know that Walt Disney was the co-creator of the company with his brother Roy? Well, here is the point, I’m totally sure that one of them was the good one and the other the bad guy. I can imagine them on the studio, one giving ideas about the personality of the hero and the other shouting his ideas about the bad one. I’m not gonna say who I think who was the bad guy, its your choice 😀 But everybody knows who was it!

About my last week, I have to say that I spent like most of the time thinking about, what Disney Character exactly can match with each bad motherfucker person? So easy, check it:


Maleficent. This character was famous for curse the infant Princess Aurora to prick her finger on the spindle of a spining wheel and die before the sun sets on her 16th birthday. And why did she do that? Because she wasn’t invited to the Royal Christening. Oh fuck Maleficent, relax next time. You have a crowd of slaves who do what you want, come on, you can make your own party and don’t disturb the Royal Family. Advide: If you want to make a party invite all of your friends, who knows who will turn on a Mistress of All Evil. And please, don’t convert yourself in a slave of another person or dragon who trates you like SHIT. My puntuation on the evil scale is 8/10


The worst characters in my opinion are Cinderella’s Stepmother and the ugly sisters. They are the highest level of envy and evil against the poor little thing Cinderella. They are ugly, they sing like my ass farting, one of them is ginger, they have a cat and you can play a soccer match in their asses. Advice: Again, don’t let anyone to treat you like a slave. Be polite with those who destroy your dress and are unrespectfull to you, we don’t have to get so lower than they are. Karma will arrange everything. And we will be the kings of the world. My puntuation on the evil scale: 10/10.


This character is the most scary for me. When I was a little girl and I used to play with Barbies and so on, in my stories the evil one always was called Ursula. She is fat, she is purple, she has horrible voice, she looks like a travesti, she has tentacles, she converts people in weird brown things, she stole Ariel’s voice and she gets HUGE when she is angry. The Sea Witch is full of envy and wants the power of the sea in all the possible ways. So she lied Ariel (she is a little stupid, normal, she is ginger) and she tried to take the throne of the sea. But at the end she dies, yaaaay! I don’t like this movie so much. Maybe because the VHS I had was broken, I was scared of Ursula and I hate the sea. Btw, my advice: Don’t follow crazy bitches who only wants power. My puntuation on the evil scale: 8,5/10


Today I was thinking that all the female Disney Characters are more evil than the male ones. I know I let a lot out, but the top 3 I wrote is my evil team and from there all of them are only funny characters trying to be scary but they are just funny. Is the case of my last female character, The Queen of Hearts. This woman reminds me so much to my mum, always yealing and shouting, and always trying to be right when she’s not. The Queen of Hearts has a lot of card slaves and she has a rule: if you do something she doesnt like you can loose your head, really. Come on, Queen, take it easy. And the most funniest thing is that her husband the King hasn’t got any relevance, he tries to like averyone but the cards don’t give a shit about him. Poor King. Its like in England, the Queen is like God but nobody knows who is the King. Sincerely I though he was dead. My advice: Don’t let anyone yeals at you and laughs of you in front of a huge crowd. You are not as silly as Alice. My puntuation on the evil scale: 6/10. 


Now lets choose the male characters. In my opinion, the meanest one is Scar. I won’t never forgive him about Mufasa’s death. I loved Mufasa, okay? Mufasa was the King of his cavern, full of majesty and amounts of hair. Scar, you can’t be the king of the whole Africa having hyenas as best friends. And you can’t kill your brother, come on! How can you pretend to be liked by everyone in the Sabana when you killed the great Mufasa? Scar, think please, Disney gave you a brain, come on. Scar was the gipsy brother, the adopted one. He was the kind of person who doesn’t know what’s right and what’s wrong. I know two people who are just like that. I really don’t understand why are like that. I don’t know where they were when the teacher was talking about moral. I’m plenty sure that they act like they families, and I think they are the worst people I have ever known (And I’m a very social person, so I know a lot of people). This only makes me sad. My advice: Please, do always (okay…not always) the right thing, try to be legal and please, don’t kill your brother. My puntuation on the evil scale: 8/10.


For the last ones I’m going to pack them on this parragraph because they are not evil at all, they are only funny. And I wrote too much!! It’s enough. They are: Jaffar, Hades, Hook and Prince John & Sir Hiss. They are like kids, they want something so hard, they can’t have it, they complain, they cry. Everybody laughs. And they are cool, I mean, Hades was always turning blue to red and making jokes. Hook starts to cry when he sees the crocodile. Prince John is in pijamas and sucking his thumb. And well, Jaffar I think is the most scary of all of them. My advice: don’t trust Jaffar, he is paki. Drink some Jagger with Hades, Hook, Jaffar’s parrot (Iago) and Prince John, they are cool.

So finally I have finished this post!!! Oh my Ozzy!!! I hope you have liked my opinion about bad guys and also my advices to avoid them. Seriously, it’s very important to follow that smart advices. If you don’t do it you will be an asslicker, and that’s not cool. You will find this kind of people everywhere, but believe me, they will make you stronger with their actitude. You have to fight against them and also against yourself to be clever than them. Rudeness is the weak person’s imitation of strengh. And be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.

 As our friend Walt Disney used to said:

 All the adversity I’ve had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in your teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.

What a glorious feeling!

Hello there,

Well, well, well, here I am with a new blog. I’ve to say this isn’t my first blog, I opened one five years ago, but I used to write about personal stuff… yeah, sounds really teenager. So now, I have decided (now that I’m a mature person), after thinking about it so much (in the shower, in bed, at work, in the bus, with a Foster pint in my hand…) that I have to write about things I like, about places I love and about people I admire.


One friend told me once that writing is the best way to improve a language. It’s actually the reason I’m starting to write in english, so people who will read this page will correct me, and making mistakes is the only way to learn. Currently, I am working on a production movie company in the United Kingdom, so I will consider this corner like a way to improve this beautiful language which I’m studing since I was three years old.

So, guys, hope you like this space about my greatest lovers: Music, Cinema, Tv and Traveling.

See you later, Aligator and don’t forget to smile, because like the great Charlie Chaplin used to said:

 “A day without laughter is a day wasted”